John's Easy Meals Starts Here
John's Easy Meals started with a man on a journey. I was at one of the lowest points in my life, at 300 pounds I could barely get out of bed let alone function. My biggest issue was around my diet. Eating out was the easiest thing for me, so that's where most of my money and time went. I needed to make a change. So I started cooking! At first, it took forever to prep a meal, let alone cook it. However, after 2 years, I was 50 pounds lighter and had a ton of experience. It's now been 4 years since I started cooking daily and I want to make it easy for people who are looking for healthy alternatives when it comes to their eating. I also want to take the hardest and longest part out of cooking for them, the actual cooking!
What we do!
- We order locally! We source all of our food from local farmers!
- We cook everything fresh, so no frozen items!
- All our items are healthier alternatives to some of the most popular dishes in the valley, so you still get to eat what you love!
- We love to give back! Every meal purchased provides an additional free meal to our local food banks!
John's Easy Meals
123 Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85008